Well, I'm blutorange from Germany and thus my mother tongue is German. (If anyone here needs help in German, ask.) I'm quite fluent in English, and as I judged this language too easy, I turned to Japanese 笑 I'm probably not studying as much as I should, but who cares as long as I have fun :D. I am particularly fascinated by Japanese and old Japanese grammar for some reason, perhaps because the Japanese grammar is so regular、 different and clear and understandable?! I have begun studying physics this year, so let's see how much will be left for Japanese... Did I mention I love J-RPGS?? Even more so now, as I can understand a fair amount in the original language. Currently began playing Ar Tonelico 3 世界終焉の引金が少女の詩が引く which is a paradise for kanji lovers 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮心