Super Mario Bros. 3/ja-en
Enemy names
These don't appear in the game itself (with the exception of クッパ and クリボー), but they will help you communicate with other people who have played the game.
English name | Japanese name | Reading | Meaning |
Big Bertha | 巨大プクプク | きょだいプクプク | |
Blooper | ゲッソー | Geso means likely Squid. | |
Bob-omb | ボム兵 | ボムへい | Bomb soldier |
Boo Diddly / Boo Buddy | テレサ | ||
Boom-Boom | ブンブン | ||
Boomerang Bros. | ブーメラン・ブロス | ||
Bowser | 大魔王クッパ | だいまおう クッパ | Great Demon King Koopa |
Bullet Bill | キラー | Killer | |
Buster Beetle | リフトメット | Buzzy Beetle who "Lift" up his blocks. | |
Buzzy Beetle | メット | ||
Chain Chomp | ワンワン | Bow-wow [a dog's bark] | |
Cheep Cheep | プクプク | ||
Dry Bones | カロン | ||
Fire Bros. | ファイアー・ブロス | ||
Fire Chomp | ケロンパ | ||
Fire Snake | ファイアスネーク | Fire snake | |
Goomba | クリボー | Kuribō | |
Hammer Bros. | ハンマー・ブロス | Hammer Bros. | |
Hot Foot | ウォーク | Walk. | |
Jelectro | しびれくらげ | Numbness medusa | |
Koopa Troopa | ノコノコ | ||
Koopa Paratroopa | パタパタ | ||
Koopaling | コクッパ | Little koopa; koopa offspring (from 子 + クッパ) | |
Lakitu | ジュゲム | ||
Lava Lotus | スイチューカ | 水中花, an flower in water. | |
Missile Bill | Uターンキラー | U-turn Killer. | |
Muncher | ブラックパックン | Black Pakkun(Piranha Plant) | |
Nipper Plant | プチパックン | Petit Pakkun(Piranha Plant) | |
Para-Beetle | パタメット | ||
Para-Goomba | パタクリボー | ||
Piranha Plant | パックン・フラワー | Pakkun Flower | |
Podoboo | バブル | ||
Ptooie Plant | フーフーパックン | ||
Rocky Wrench | プー | ||
Sledge Bros. | ヒマンブロス | Fat Bros. | |
Spike | ガボン | ||
Spiny | トゲゾー | ||
Stretch | ネッチー | ||
Thwomp | ドッスン | ||
Venus Fire Trap | ファイアパックン |
Game text
Most of the game text uses only hiragana, i.e., without katakana. Hence, words that normally take katakana will appear as hiragana, with the sole exception of Peach's name. This is because of technical limitations; they couldn't make the font large enough to add a complete katakana font.
Mushroom house
すきなはこひとつだけ あげる。きっとなにか のやくにたつから・・・
好きな(箱) literally means "(the box) you like", but is often used to mean "(the box) you most like". Much like "take whichever you like".
役に立つ means "be useful". Adding 何かの means "be of some kind of use".
White mushroom house
よそにはない とくべつのものばかりだよ
- 他所 is ateji, that is, its reading does not consist of the separate readings of 地 + 所 respectively.
Mushroom house with whistle
この ふえ ふいたら とおくの くにへも ひとっとび!・・
There is an implied を after 笛.
ひとっ飛び is an emphasized version of 一飛び (ひととび), literally meaning "a single bound" or "one jump", but it can also refer to any kind of short flight. For example, has this sentence: 上海まで一飛びだ "It's just a short flight to Shanghai."
Slots game
えあわせ えあわせ うまくいったら・・・おたのしみ いっかいきりのだいちゃんす!
Card game
くるりん くるりん かあどを めくって いろいろあたる。 おてつきは いっかいだけ。
クルリン is a 擬態語(ぎたいご)/mimesis and refers to "turning around". Interestingly, there is a game for the GBA called 「クル クル クルリン」 where you have to navigate a spinning sticks through obstacles.
The king has been transformed
たいへん!たいへん! おうさまがこんな すがたに かえられ たよ! まほうのつえを とり かえしてください。
こんな (stemming from この様な) literally means "this kind of". It has a negative connotation here, ie the "awful"-part is implicit. Consider the English "Such a form the king has turned into!" for a similar connotation.
Castle revisited after airship has left
はやく! はやく! はやくこくっぱから まほうのつえを とり かえしてください。
The King restored
よかった よかった もとのすがたに も どれたありがとう ピーチひめからてが みがきております。
- よかった is a general expression of relief or glee. Literally, it is the past of 良い(よい・いい) - "good".
- 居ります(おります) is the polite form of 居る. The kanji-form is uncommon, but it clearly shows its meaning. It is the humble form of 居る(いる) - "to be". 来ておる means 来ている - "has come [arrived]". A テ-form of a verb + いる is a construction meaning either "has verbed" [perfect], "is verbing" [continuative] or "usually verbs" [custom/habit]. Which of these possible meanings is intended must be figured out by the context. Not that for the perfect meaning, transitive verb would use ある instead of いる (eg 書いてあります - "[someone] has written [something]" as in "is written", compared 閉めてあります(transitive) - "[someone] closed [something]" with 閉まっています(intransitive) - "[something] is [closed]").
If Mario is wearing frog suit
あれあれそんなすが たにかえられてしまっ て・・・ このつえでもとの すがたにもどし てさしあげようか?
- Using the テ-form for the sentence turns turns it into an ellipsis, ie open sentence, which is further emphasized by using 「…」.
- テ-form + 上げる is a polite expression for "to do something for you". テ-form + 差し上げる is even more polite and certainly appropriate when you are talking to a king. ("It is an honor for me to restore you to your previous shape."]
- 変えられて仕舞(しま)う is a construction like above, a テ-form with a (helper) verb, which happens to be 仕舞う this time. First of all, note that 仕舞う is 当て字/ateji and the less-common form, which hints to its meaning is 終う. The kanji 「終」 refers to "end" and しまう means "to finish", "to do something completely", "to put an end to". Thus, 変えられてしまう literally means "the action of him being changed is finished" or "was completely changed". This construction often bears a negative connotation, that it is a bad thing the action was completed, which leads us to something like "What a pity you were turned into this form...".
If Mario is wearing Tanuki Suit
しんせつな たぬき さん! どうもありがとう おなまえを きかせて ください。
If Mario is wearing Hammer Bros. Suit
そのふくを わしに ゆずってくれないか ・・・ だめか・・・ しかたがない。
TODO — Nuance of 譲る
Princess Peach's letters
World 1
Peach begins every letter with this. It literally means "Are you healthy?". This is a very common greeting. As the literal translation suggests, it's generally used when you haven't seen somebody in a while.
もしおばけに であったら せなかを むけていると おいかけてくる のできをつけてくださいね。
たからものをひとつおくります。 なにかのおやくにたててください。 ピーチ
Peach ends every letter with this.
- 役 (etym.: "post", "service") is a common words used to express "fitting for a particular purpose".
World 2
しろいぶろっくは てきを けちらす まほうの ちからがあるそうよ。
- 蹴散らす=蹴る(to kick) + 散らす(to scatter) and falls under the category of verb + (helper) verb, ie the first is the main action and the second verb (modifies/gives additional information to) the first. Thus "to kick is a manner of scattering", "to kick so that the enemies are scattered".
World 3
くりぼうのくつをつかうと いろんなてきを ふみつけられるのよ。
World 4
ふえを ぬすんだどろぼうが さばくの ひがしに にげていった らしいわよ。
World 5
こおりのせかいは きをつけて こおりにとじこめられた ものたちは ほのおで よみがえるはずです。
World 6
ピーチは とても げんきよ いちわーるどの みっつめの ごーるの かげできのぴおから まほうのふえを もらってください。
In case you're unaware, Kinopio is Toad's Japanese name.
World 7
へっ!おまえがうろうろしてるあいだに ピーチは あずかったぜっ。 くやしかったら おれさまのしろ まで きてみやがれ! ぐわっはっはっはっ・・・ くっぱ
- ウロウロ is 擬態語 again. "hang about doing nothing/indecisively/aimlessing/with no purpose", loiter, drift, prowl around
- 俺様 is a very boasting way to address oneself. Do not use it.
- 連用形 / masu form of a verb + やがる makes your sentence show more condescension / hatred / contempt / disdain. Again, do not use it.
ありがとう! やっと きのこのせかいに へい わがもどりました。 おしまいっ!
If you turn the Hammer Bros. into a treasure ship, the ship on the map will have the kanji 宝 on its sail. It's read たから and means "treasure". (This kanji is present in the English version of the game, too. If you haven't noticed, it's probably because its small size makes it look like a random fancy design.)